Refrigerator Options

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Suspendisse egestas libero ut purus pulvinar, nec tempus augue egestas. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent bibendum tincidunt odio, vel tempus odio sollicitudin et.

We Support Israeli Manufacturers & Vendors

We buy all our appliances from local vendors and manufacturers in Israel. This is critically valuable for two reasons:

  • They can service the units with local support staff which keeps costs down.

  • Because our suppliers are educated about our goal to help those in need, they give us substantial price breaks on the appliances.

This symbiotic relationship creates a true cycle of giving. Our efforts support the local business community in Israel. This also helps people who can’t afford to buy these appliances by enabling them to spend money on other items that affect the overall Israeli economy at the same time.